Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dear Juan, Daniel and Julie:
We are fine, I´ll tell you all the story.
When we were on the library doing our projets, we were searching for a new image to our future city , we were on a page and we copy one picture, when we copied it a black and white sign appear on the screen: DO YOU WANT TO KNOW A REAL FUTURE CITY?
We thought it was a joke, but it wasn´t we clicked on the sign and a black hole appeared on the screen, we were inside of the the computer. After some time a woman appeared with a clock and told us to write the date we wanted to go to, we were on a time machine. We decided to go to the future. Now we are in a future city, I only have one word to tell you: WOW, is the best city in the world.

Hope you receive this
Cami, Majo and Mapis

Public services

Transportation Public Services
In our city it doesn´t exist neither metros or taxis. The public transportation service is called public telepransporting tube. It consist in getting into a box that would take you to an especific area of the city if you cannot teletransport by yourself because you dont know the city.

Public hospital services

The health program in our city is very advance they have lots of different types of labs, they have all the machines they need. They have private rooms, and they treat people in the best way they can. They have lots of cirgury rooms and they have all the famous doctors in town.

Fire and police department

The fire department works perfectly, is not a very important public service in our city, because it is under water. And the police department does not have a very hard work because it has a very little crime rate.



Our city believes in democracy, no monarchy. They say that in long, long time they would allow constitutional monarchy. Constitutional monarchy means that they could choose a president by family, but he needs to follow the rules. In our city, it rules a president.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

In our city we make a carnival honoring Albert Einstein, celebrated on his death date: April 18th. In this Carnival people dress like him, they use  white and uncombed wigs with suits similar to the ones he used.  In this carnival people sell typical food of Germany that is where he was born, they sell: typical german potatoes, sausages, prtezels, and more. People also plays "Put the tale to the dunkey" But instead of putting a tale they put the hair to Einstein. He said that in life you only need to belive in yourself, and follow your dreams. They think that he is an inspiration to our life.

Another way of transportation in our city is, the submarine car.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


 In  our city we transport by a particular way: teletransportation... teletransportation is the way by which people can transportate something, someone or themselves, only by thinking were do they want to go. teletransportation is a very practical way of transportation, that makes our city a non trafic city.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

This is our fantastic future city!!!!

This city is called: Einstein Resort City because is inspired in him.

Our city is FANTASTIC and is also underwater!!! :)